Can a Cat Breed with a Rabbit? The Surprising Truth Revealed

Have you ever wondered if a cat can breed with a rabbit? This question might seem a bit outlandish, but it’s not uncommon for people to ponder the possibilities of crossbreeding between different species. After all, there are numerous hybrid animals in the world, such as ligers (lion-tiger hybrids) and mules (horse-donkey hybrids). So, is it possible for a cat and a rabbit to produce offspring? Let’s delve into the surprising truth.

The Basics of Breeding

Before we can answer the question, it’s important to understand the basics of breeding. Breeding is the process of sexual reproduction that produces offspring. This process typically involves two individuals of the same species. The reason for this is that successful breeding requires the parents to have a compatible number of chromosomes, which are the structures that carry genes. Most species have a specific number of chromosomes that is unique to them. For example, humans have 46 chromosomes, cats have 38, and rabbits have 44.

Can Cats and Rabbits Breed?

Given the information above, the answer to the question “Can a cat breed with a rabbit?” is no. Cats and rabbits cannot breed because they are from different species and have different numbers of chromosomes. This makes it impossible for them to produce viable offspring together. Even if a cat and a rabbit were to mate, the resulting embryo would not be able to develop properly due to the mismatch in chromosomes.

The Myth of the Cabbit

Despite the scientific impossibility, there have been persistent rumors and claims about the existence of a hybrid animal known as a “cabbit” – a supposed cross between a cat and a rabbit. These claims are usually based on observations of animals that display physical characteristics of both cats and rabbits. However, these are typically cases of mistaken identity or misinterpretation of certain traits. For example, the Manx cat, a breed known for its lack of tail, can sometimes be mistaken for a rabbit due to its rounded hindquarters and hopping gait.


In conclusion, while the idea of a cat-rabbit hybrid might be intriguing, it is scientifically impossible. Cats and rabbits are distinct species with different genetic makeups, making crossbreeding between them unfeasible. So, the next time you come across a claim about a “cabbit”, you can confidently debunk it with your newfound knowledge.