Why Does a Cat Choose to Stay Outside Under a Tree Every Day?

Many cat owners often wonder why their feline friends choose to spend their days outside under a tree. This behavior can be puzzling, especially when the cat has a comfortable home to stay in. However, there are several reasons why a cat might prefer the great outdoors, and understanding these can help cat owners ensure their pets are happy and healthy.

Understanding Cat Behavior

Cats are known for their independent and sometimes mysterious behavior. They have a strong instinctual drive that can often lead them to prefer certain environments over others. Spending time under a tree can provide a cat with a variety of benefits that cater to these instincts.

1. Hunting Instincts

Cats are natural hunters, and being outside under a tree can provide them with plenty of opportunities to indulge in this instinct. Trees often attract birds and other small animals, which can keep a cat entertained for hours.

2. Safety and Security

Trees can also provide a sense of safety and security for cats. They can climb up the tree if they feel threatened, and the branches and leaves can provide cover from predators. Additionally, the view from a tree can give them a good vantage point to keep an eye on their surroundings.

3. Comfort and Relaxation

Despite their hunting instincts, cats also love to relax. The shade provided by a tree can offer a cool and comfortable spot for a cat to nap, especially during hot summer days. The rustling of the leaves can also be soothing and calming.

Should You Be Concerned?

While it’s normal for cats to want to spend time outside, it’s important for cat owners to ensure their pets are safe. If your cat is spending a lot of time under a tree, make sure they are protected from potential dangers such as traffic, predators, and harsh weather conditions. It’s also important to ensure they are up-to-date on their vaccinations and parasite treatments, as being outside can expose them to various health risks.


In conclusion, a cat choosing to stay outside under a tree every day is typically a sign of their natural instincts at work. Whether they are hunting, seeking safety, or simply enjoying the comfort of the shade, trees can provide a variety of benefits for cats. As a cat owner, understanding these behaviors can help you ensure your pet is happy, healthy, and enjoying their time both inside and outside the home.